I think it's time I write about my adventure to Brazil. Earlier this year I felt that God told me it was time to go back. As excited as I was to return, there were many things in my life that needed to be arranged so that I could return. Things I had no control over and God would have to arrange. As I sought the direction of my Papa and His desires for my life, He guided me and took care of the things that were on my heart…..
In June I was so torn, desiring to go and desiring to not miss the birth of my nephew (who's due date was during the trip). I prayed specifically about this and felt impressed that I was to go and trust God that I would not miss this event. He also directed me that I should sell my artisan foods to raise the money to go. So, in one fell swoop, I made the decision. My hubby and I arranged a menu that I felt I could manage and I made the announcement.
The fundraising happened so fast… Faster than I could have possibly imagined! In fact, it made life a little crazy for about 3 1/2 weeks; but God is faithful. The money came in, and of course it came in abundance because we serve a God of abundance who does things "exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think." As I continued to prepare for the trip, God continued to provide everything I could possibly need.

On September 26, I boarded the plane and left for Brazil. Travel was wonderful, which is a blessing… Those who travel know this information. Everything was on time (amazing), in fact, it was early! We arrived to Brazil Friday morning and my heart was filled with love and expectancy. It's almost as if you know something amazing is about to happen or someone told you they have this extravagant gift for you, but they can't tell you what it is.
Through exhaustion (because traveling wears you out), we battled the traffic of São Paulo, which is truly a battle... At least of your patience! Nothing like three hours to travel 10-15 miles... That'll challenge you. We had lunch at the Churrascuria and headed to the hotel... But alas, São Paulo traffic!
As the evening became a challenge to your patience and to keep your joy through exhaustion, God, again, did amazing and unspeakable things! As people were healed through words of knowledge, faith built and the most amazing miracle of all, salvation, was received by many! The night was definitely not a waste and we were re-energized by the Holy Spirit.
As the trip continued, people were touched in magnificent ways. People getting up out of wheel chairs that had never walked before in their lives, blind eyes seeing, deaf ears hearing, everything that the Bible says, everything Jesus commanded.
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."
Matthew 10:8
My heart was impacted and changed so profoundly on this trip. I went this time a completely different person than the last time... How could I not? The longer you serve God, the more deeply changed you become. But also having been through certain events over the course of the two years that significantly changed me, I realized that I would view this trip differently.
In the beginning of this year, I really felt impressed that I needed to study God's love in the Bible. In fact, I felt very clear instructions on how I was to do this. As I pressed in and followed the direction, I was expecting this big extravagant change to happen in my heart... and yet only a minor outward change occurred. I was mildly disappointed... But let me remind you that God is faithful and He never leaves His children empty-handed.
This trip brought that study full-circle. One of the very first nights of ministry, I was approached by a girl, 22 years of age. She was suffering from failed kidneys and was on dialysis and awaiting a transplant. She was dying and could not receive a transplant without first getting well enough to have surgery. I felt at such a loss, how was I, a young woman with a seemingly "perfect" life supposed to help this girl who is fighting for hers? At that moment, a very real change began to occur in me. I began to pray for her and I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, "Show her My love and hug her." I was surprised, but obediently, I asked to hug her... She agreed and as soon as I did, she began to weep and hold on tighter. I began to pray over her the sweet things I heard the Spirit saying about her, I prayed the love of Jesus on her and spoke life into her body. After probably ten minutes of hugging, I asked how she was feeling. When I looked at her face I saw something was different, maybe a joy or renewed hope, or both? She had begun to glow and I imagine that it was the love of God. She told me that her insides were on fire! Yeah God!
I wish I could tell you that she was healed... But I really don't know what happened after that. She walked out of the church with a spring in her step and if nothing else a new knowing of the love that God has for her. I believe that God did something amazing that night in her body, but I know He did something in her heart. He definitely did something in mine. I began to see that God is love... Just like His word says, and I began to experience that in a new way.
"Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds."
Psalm 36:5
"How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 36:7
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