As the trip continued on we began to see more miracles, more healings, more deliverance. God continued to move as we pressed in, people were getting saved and they were having radical encounters with God, the kind that change you forever.
On one particular night, I went to service and noticed a girl in the hard of hearing section; as soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew she would be healed (a word of knowledge). When they released us to pray, I prayed for many individuals but had forgotten about the girl. I saw her again, and I knew I had to pray for her. As I prayed, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to pray His love over her... So I did. She told me that she had a little improvement... Wait, what?? This girl was born deaf in her left ear and you're telling me that you can hear... a little bit? HOLD THE PHONE. I could not believe it, and yet, wasn't that what I was asking for? Life lesson 101...
Never doubt God when you've asked for something that's in line with His word...
Excited hit me as I realized that God was moving. We continued to pray and we commanded (gently) that the ear open and come into alignment with the Word of God. We spoke to each part of the ear, all the little details... With a little more love and a little authority, wouldn't you know it, the ear opened to 90%. What?? That's right, she looked at me and told me she could hear! I was stunned. I was excited. I was a lot of things.
Global Awakening actually documents healings like this by recording the testimony and testing the healing. So, we asked her to plug her good ear and we spoke softly to the previously bad ear. First very close, and she was to repeat what we said, then farther away. We continued to move away and each time she heard us, it was a miracle! God had truly opened this girl's ear, and all because He loves her.
I was profoundly impacted by this move of God. All I could think about was how much He loves us... He truly loves us. And this love is deeper and wider than we could ever possibly comprehend. It reminds me of the children's song we used to sing in Sunday School:
Deep and wide
There's a fountain flowing deep and wide
Deep and wide
Deep and wide
There's a fountain flowing deep and wide
His love is deep and wide, it's fountain flowing deep and wide over us and through us. It never stops. You can't even build a dam to stop it. I began to see this and let me tell you, when you see this and begin to feel this, you begin to be changed in a way that will never allow you to go back. Ever.
Take a moment to ponder God's love for you. I know that our circumstances very often can lead us to the place where we don't see the love or feel the love... But it doesn't mean it's not there. This is what hit me so deeply. My circumstances don't determine God's love for me, ever. His love is unconditional, His love covers a my sin, His love is always there.
I encourage you to just sit for a moment and ask God to show you a picture of His love. Close your eyes and let Him in... He's waiting for you.
"For you bless the godly, O Lord; you surround them with your shield of love."
Psalm 5:12
Great words Jen! Sounds like another amazing trip! It is so exciting to hear how God is using His love and passion through you to bring healing to others!